Why Pilates Platinum Is All About the Small, Slow Movements

Is it just us or does it feel like everyone’s in a hurry all the time? And that goes for workouts, too. It seems that people think the bigger and faster you go with workouts, the better. 

For some, that may be the case. Workouts aren’t one-size-fits-all. Everybody’s exercise goals are different, and every individual body is different. 

But that’s definitely not the case when it comes to Pilates Platinum. This exercise is lauded for its ability to sculpt and tone like nothing else (no, seriously – try it for a couple of weeks and see for yourself). It’s a combo of strength training, cardio, and flexibility, a.k.a. it carves your body into a toned masterpiece. 


Via small, slow movements. Rather than the big movements you see in traditional weight training, Pilates Platinum’s approach to fitness focuses on controlled, small-range contractions. 

If you’re curious how these movements translate to the most toned you’ve ever been, read on. 

Why micro movements work

It probably seems counterintuitive that Pilates Platinum’s small and slow movements build muscle and strength. But it’s all about maximizing muscle activation and targeting specific muscle groups in a hyper-efficient way. 

Let’s get into more detail. 

Activate your muscle fibers

Your muscles are made up of muscle fibers. When you exercise, these fibers activate. And when you weight train specifically, you’re focusing on larger muscle groups. This means that some of the muscle fibers within those large muscle groups may not get engaged. 

Pilates Platinum is different. Because the movements in this exercise are small, they isolate and activate very specific muscle groups and fibers. This means the targeted muscle groups work through their whole range of motion, while under constant tension. 

You’ve probably heard your Pilates Platinum instructor use the term “time under tension” – this is it. The continuous engagement of the muscle allows for more muscle fiber activation. 

When you do this, you get more efficient muscle growth and more definition in the areas you’re targeting with time under tension. And that’s why you see your hard work in Pilates show up more quickly than in other workouts. 

Target specific muscle groups

Things like weight training work multiple large muscle groups at once. This can make it hard to isolate and, thus, sculpt smaller, more specific muscles. 

Enter Pilates Platinum. 

This workout is the queen of targeting specific muscle groups because of its micro-movements. That’s largely thanks to the construction of the machine with its attachments and different positions. 

This is great for muscle definition (hello, six-pack abs!). But it’s also great for muscle imbalances. We all tend to have a more dominant side of our bodies, and Pilates works to strengthen the weaker muscle groups while also still challenging your stronger ones. This leads to a more balanced, strong body overall. 

Build core strength

Have you noticed that after a Pilates class, your abs are sore? That’s because this exercise is constant core engagement. 

Lots of Pilates Platinum movements are awkward and unstable at first – your body isn’t used to them. In order to stay in these positions, you have to use your core strength. Activating the core like this isn’t just great for aesthetics. It’s also great for supporting your spine, which is key to balance and preventing injury. 

So how do micro movements play into this? By doing small movements, you take away momentum, which forces your core to put in the extra work. 

Less is more

Because most other workouts are focused on larger movements that scream “more!,” it can be hard to adjust to Pilates at first. 

Here are a couple of key things to remember. 

  • Form, form form. Your teacher will preach this to you in class, but we’re going to say it again for those of you in the back. Keeping proper form, posture, and alignment in every movement is the most important thing. Don’t worry about a heavy spring load yet. Get the form of each small movement down first. Then you can add weight. 
  • Take it slowwww. In a world that’s all about speed, it can take a minute to get used to the slowness of Pilates. In this world, slow does not mean easy. In fact, the slower you go in Pilates, the more challenging the moves and the more you work your muscles. Always try to be the slowest person in the class for each and every movement. 


Ready to try out a Pilates Platinum class at Pilates Platinum? Find a studio near you and sign up to see for yourself the power of Pilates’ infamous slow movements.